Several important GroundEco project events and meetings in Tallinn in end-March

08.04.2019 | 10:58


A seminar, “Conceptual models of groundwater-dependent ecosystems”, arranged by the EGT Department of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology took place on 28 March 2019 at the Ministry of the Environment. The seminar focused on conceptual models being compiled within the framework of the project.

The principles and need of developing such models were illustrated by hydrogeologist Andres Marandi. Examples of compiled conceptual models were shown by Marko Vainu and Oliver Koit from the Tallinn University Institute of Ecology. Experience gained from chemical modelling was reviewed by EGT senior geologist Valle Raidla. The seminar attendees could actively participate in complementing the conceptual model of a pilot area, Matsi spring mire, and in setting the study goal. During the second half of the seminar, Siim Tarros from EGT and Jānis Bikše from the University of Latvia introduced more in detail the Estonian and Latvian GroundEco project pilot study areas – Matsi spring mire and Kazu leja ancient valley. The last topic of the seminar was the presentation of quantitative models that have so far been composed.

The second meeting day, 29 March, was organized by the Tallinn University Institute of Ecology. Project partner workshops took place for getting an overview of the current situation, and brainstorming was held for putting methodology together. The achievements so far were analysed, the becoming pilot study was discussed, and tasks for the next project period were delivered. One of the most important results was the common agreement on the selection methodology for the habitats dealt with in the project.
The Estonian-Latvian joint project “Joint management of groundwater dependent ecosystems in transboundary Gauja - Koiva river basin” (GroundEco) is financed by the Estonian-Latvian Interreg program 2014–2020 ( More information (in English) can be found on the web page maintained by the leading project partner.


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