The hydrogeologists of the Geological Survey of Estonia join the forces with Latvians in fieldwork

09.11.2018 | 00:00


Joint field studies and a workshop take place in the framework of the project GroundEco between the Estonian and Latvian partners on 7–9 November. Together with the hydrogeologists of the Geological Survey, representatives from the Ministry of Environment Water Department, Tallinn University Institute of Ecology, Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, University of Latvia, Latvian Nature Conservation Agency and the planning department of the Vizeme region take part in the action.

First monitoring points will be established and water samples will be taken for chemical analysis during the visit to the Estonian pilot area. The visit to the Latvian pilot area on 9 November will be organized by the University of Latvia.

The aim of the Estonian-Latvian co-operation project (Joint management of groundwater dependent ecosystems in transboundary Gauja - Koiva river basin) is to study groundwater-dependent land ecosystems and to test the methodology assessing their state within the cross-boundary Gauja-Koiva drainage basin. Similar monitoring networks will be established in spring mires within the Gauja-Koiva drainage basin both in Estonian and Latvian territory. Surface water and groundwater will be monitored using the same methodology. Water will be sampled for various chemical analyses, flow rates of springs and rivers will be measured, surface water and groundwater levels and conductivity are followed automatically. The joint project is financed by the Estonian-Latvian Interreg program. It will last for two years, finishing in mid-2020.


Eesti Geoloogiateenistus