Geological Survey of Estonia started work

26.03.2018 | 13:32


Geological Survey of Estonia, a national authority administrated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, started its operation on 2 January, 2018. Its task is to represent the state in conducting geological research and exploration, in preserving geological information in an accessible form, in advising governmental agencies  and in informing the public on geological matters.

The Survey operates on a variety of fields:

  • geological mapping,
  • prospecting and exploration of mineral resources,
  • research in hydrogeology, environmental geology, marine geology and geophysics
  • groundwater, coastline and seismic monitoring
  • creating, supplementing and archiving geological databases
  • systematizing and archiving drill cores and geological material
  • making proposals on ground use for governmental agencies and
  • providing public information in geology-related matters.

Eesti Geoloogiateenistus